Transmission incoming...
From: Overseer
To: Spector

The Doctor is giving you one chance to redeem yourself after that little stunt you pulled last week. One chance you understand? For now, you're under suspension but they still want you put to work even in that little [redacted] if you work hard you will be back in the field in no time. Go through all of the entity files we have and update their descriptions. I know office work, easy right? get it done.

Transmission over.



AGE: The Hospital is unable to verify 006's age but the oldest accounts of him seem to be in the folklore of a tribe native to the Amazon rainforest. There is a sighting of him in some [Redacted] artistry but those claims are still being confirmed by field workers. The Hospital has suspicions he's much older though.
HOSTILITY LEVEL: HIGH. Do not approach 006 without The Doctor
STATUS: [Redacted]
SPECIES: [Redacted] Entity
ABILITIES: Other than the animal skull that makes up his face the rest of his body is made up entirely of [Redacted] anything that comes into contact with [Redacted] will melt as if it was being dipped in acid. The more 006 consumes with this method the more he grows in size, he can shed the [Redacted] much like a lizard sheds its tail when they need to run faster from prey.
GENDER: While 006 obviously has no real gender The Hospital has decided to refer to the Entity with masculine pronouns.
MATE: The Hospital does not know if 006 has a mate nor do we know if he has any interest in one.

DESCRIPTION: I thought I'd start with 006 since he is pretty simple and straight forward. If their gonna make me do this then Im gonna do it my way, ya know do the easy stuff first. Now, let's get started.

006 or Dullahan is a large [Redacted] Entity that appears to be made up of a Black, bubbling, goopy substance(gross) with a canine skull for a face. Horns grow out of his skull in a deer-like fashion. (Below is a sketch I made of him in case that helps) If you happened to peer into 006's face and look him straight in the eyes you would find two empty voids looking back that seem to stare into your soul. His only motives seem to be eating, though he isn't some brute, 006 is actually incredibly smart and speaks better English than some of the Guards here. He doesn't seem to have morals though... some times i think if he could consume the [Redacted] he would.

Both times I've gotten to interview him he's managed to send shivers down my spine. If you want tapes of those interviews please contact The Archivist.

If you were to speak with 006 you would notice His voice is both deep and high with an almost floaty feel to it. It sounds as if two people were talking at once, a child and a man.

RELATIONSHIPS: 006 Despises someone he calls [Redacted] their number in the files is [Redacted]
006 seems to enjoy chats with 016
For the short time we have contained 006 they have refused to behave unless 009 was in the room.


NAME: Mars

AGE: 8 years old
HOSTILITY LEVEL: [redacted] do not approach ever.
STATUS: in possession of the father
SPECIES: human
TERRITORY: [redacted]
ABILITIES: Can store weapons in a void like dimension. The boy can also remove weapons at his will. There were attempts by the doctor to have him move living things, people, other entities. The father however [redacted]. No further testing was done in that regard but from what little we could gauge any living thing that went into that dimension came out [redacted.]. Sister Diana described them as broken dolls.

After being injected with Entity 030’s [redacted] and left in the room with 030’s [redacted] 017 show signs of increased bloodlust, high spikes in adrenaline giving him almost inhuman movements. He seems to be able to pinpoint his opponents weakness with striking accuracy. Sister Diana has reported that 030 is in 017’s [redacted], it's not a stretch considering that 030 is a fallen [redacted]. Being a [redacted] does not mean death for [redacted].


DESCRIPTION: 017 is kept in isolation in a black room on level [redacted]. He is a rather pale boy with deep sapphire eyes and a large patch of scarring running up the left side of his face staring from his upper lip to his cheek bone.

RELATIONSHIPS: 006 is frankly disgusted by 017’s presence, we believe this has to do with 030’s [redacted]. If you ever find yourself in possession of 017 and you have not been [redacted] keep it away from 006.

Sister Diana is rather protective of 017. Stay away from them when they are together unless you want your mind to be [redacted].

The Father is the only one with the ability to keep 017 completely docile. The Father is obsessed with turning 017 into a [redacted].


Overall Information

The Entities in these files are all creatures, discovered and marked by The Hospital. Not all have been captured and contained at one point, in fact we have never captured a [Redacted] Theres are some we will never be able to capture or ever get evidence of, a few being 666, 999 and [Redacted].

There are thousands of these entities and they range from many different species and intelligence levels. Some are singular and others are able to reproduce.

When going through these files please note the color of the titles.
Pure, bright red means dangerous and white means harmless, the brighter the red the more dangerous to approach they are.
Dark red how ever means [Redacted]


Note: If you have questions another coworker cant answer, i might be able to help. heres my work email.

p.s. if you try to prank me i will know!

p.p.s make sure to check and see if you cant find your answers anywhere else.